DAY 18
Jesus is our Rock
The Apostle Paul said that Jesus was the Rock that followed the Israelites in the wilderness. There were two different occasions in the wilderness where Moses struck a rock and water came out and brought provision for the entire nation of Israel and their herds. On the first occasion God instructed Moses to strike the rock with the rod he used to bring judgment on the Egyptians. Moses struck the rock and water gushed out and abundantly provided for the people. Moses’ rod is a picture of God’s judgment. At the cross God struck his Son with judgment for the sins of the whole world. At the cross God’s redemptive provision came out for all to be saved and receive God’s abundant salvation and healing. On the second occasion God told Moses to speak to the rock and water would come out and provide for the people. However Moses was angry with the people and called them rebels. He struck the rock twice and water gushed out and provided for the people. God told Moses because he disobeyed him by striking the rock twice and not speaking to the rock he could not enter into the Promised Land. He did not honor God as a holy God. The second occasion is a picture of the New Covenant. Moses striking the rock twice is a picture of God striking his Son twice with judgment. God was dishonored by Moses for God will never strike his Son a second time with judgment. He would be unjust in doing so which would make him unholy. Jesus once and for all bore man’s judgment for sin. He has put sin out of God’s sight and has forever redeemed man and has made him righteous and acceptable before God. He has reconciled man back to God forever. Under the New Covenant all we have to do is speak to the Rock and provision will come to us. All we have to do is ask the Father in Jesus’ name and he will grant us the petition we ask of him. All Christians who believe God will judge them and punish them for their sins are striking the Rock twice. If you receive condemnation for your sins and believe you are not worthy of God you are in unbelief. If you believed the gospel you would know that Jesus has paid the price for your sins in full and has made you righteous and acceptable to your God. He has reconciled you to God and made you his son and his heir. If you strike the Rock twice you are dishonoring God as unholy and you will not enter into your inheritance of good health, long life and abundant prosperity. You honor God by receiving the great salvation he has purchased for you. You honor God as holy when you believe he sent his Son to be your substitute on the cross. He bore your sins and the judgment for you sins and has forever redeemed you from all sin and its judgment. Jesus told Peter it is on this Rock that we build our life and the gates of hell would not be able to prevail against us. Jesus also said if we build our house on this Rock the storms of life would not be able to knock us down. We are forever safe and secure on this Rock of salvation.
PrayerFather I thank you that Jesus is my Rock on which I build my life. My trust is in you oh Lord to protect me from all my enemies. I believe in the finished work of the cross. It is the Rock on which I stand.
Jesus is my Rock. The gates of hell will not prevail against me. The storms of life will not knock me down. I believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God and I confess with my mouth that he has redeemed me from every lawless deed and from the entire curse of the Law. I am saved and I am healed.