DAY 06
God sends us a Savior
Jesus is called the last Adam. He was born of a virgin. Like the first Adam he had no sin in him. Like the first Adam he had complete dominion in the earth. He had fellowship with God daily. His bride came from his side. He was tempted by the devil however unlike the first Adam he did not yield to the devils’ temptations. Jesus lived a sinless life. He was the perfect man, in perfect righteousness and holiness before God. He came to demonstrate to man God’s great love and mercy for him. He revealed God’s amazing grace and wonderful truths to man. He was moved with compassion for man’s suffering. He healed all the sick that came to him. He cast out many devils. He multiplied food to feed the multitude. He raised the dead and performed many miracles. He fulfilled all the Old Testament Scriptures that proclaimed his coming and testified to the signs, wonders, and miracles he would perform. Jesus came to this the earth, that he created, and demonstrated God’s great love and compassion for man. He performed great miracles proving that God had sent him. However the people that he loved, as a whole, rejected him. The religious Leaders hated him and swayed the people to reject him and to crucify him. God’s love for man was so great that he went to the cross even after the world had rejected him. Jesus was the perfect sacrificial Lamb. He was perfect without sin (no spot or blemish). His blood was completely innocent. Only innocent blood can atone for sin. God loved mankind so much that he sent his only begotten Son to become our sacrificial Lamb, our substitute. God placed the sins (past, present, and future) of the whole world on Jesus. Then God punished Jesus for our sins. Jesus died on the cross. Our sins and sin nature died with Christ on the cross. When they buried Jesus they buried our sins and put them forever out of God’s sight. Our old man (sin nature) was buried with Christ. After three days Jesus rose again from the dead leaving our sins in the grave. He arose free from sin. All who believe in Jesus die with him, are buried with him, and resurrect with him forever free from the condemnation and judgment for sin. Our old sin nature died with Christ and we resurrect with him a brand new man. Our spirit is born again. Our heart is circumcised forever free from sin. The Holy Spirit comes and makes his home in us. At the cross Jesus becomes us. He takes our place as a sinner. We become him. We take his place as a righteous and holy son. He, who knew no sin, became sin that we, who are full of sin, might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. We became sinners because of Adam’s disobedience. We became righteous because of Jesus’ obedience to go to the cross and redeem us.
PrayerFather I thank you for loving me so much that you sent me your only begotten Son to take my place as a sinner and give me his place as a righteous and holy son. I thank you for not counting my sins against me and accepting me as your beloved son/daughter.
I am born again. My spirit is a new creature. I am God’s son. I am accepted in his beloved family. I am his heir and I receive his wonderful blessings of good health, long life and abundant prosperity. I am righteous before God because Jesus was obedient to go to the cross and bear my sins.