Introduction to 12 Laws Governing Health and Healing
My name is Reverend David Watson. For over 40 years I have diligently studied the word of God concerning Healing. Over those years the Lord revealed to me twelve laws that govern Health and Healing. I have proven these laws many times and they have never failed me. I have stood in faith to be healed hundreds of times.
Living by faith in God’s word is the only true security we have on this earth. God’s word is a sure foundation that we can build our lives on. Jesus said, “Healing is the children’s bread”. I am convinced these truths I am sharing with you will heal you and give you the information that you will need to empower you to stay in good health all the days of your life. |
The first four courses are the foundation that you must lay in your heart. The proper view of God is imperative if you hope to live by faith and walk in the abundant life that Jesus came to give you. It takes hearing the word of God over and over again for it to settle in your heart and change the way you think. Take your time and meditate on these truths until they come alive inside of you. I encourage you to search the scriptures for yourself to see if what I am saying is true.
I encourage you to write down your physical condition before you take this course. After fourteen weeks examine yourself again and write down any changes. Then E-mail them to my administrator at [email protected]. Anytime during the course if you have any questions, contact that email and I will correspond with you.
Let me warn you. Satan does not want you knowing these truths. He will fight you in your mind. Be determined you are going to finish this course and gain this information and receive your healing. Jesus paid a very high price for your salvation. You can honor Him by walking in good health all the days of your life.
You’re Brother in the Lord,
Reverend David Watson
I encourage you to write down your physical condition before you take this course. After fourteen weeks examine yourself again and write down any changes. Then E-mail them to my administrator at [email protected]. Anytime during the course if you have any questions, contact that email and I will correspond with you.
Let me warn you. Satan does not want you knowing these truths. He will fight you in your mind. Be determined you are going to finish this course and gain this information and receive your healing. Jesus paid a very high price for your salvation. You can honor Him by walking in good health all the days of your life.
You’re Brother in the Lord,
Reverend David Watson