Secrets to a Successful Marriage by Reverend David Watson
Secrets to a Successful Marriage is a powerful book that shares wonderful insights into having a happy and successful marriage. Reverend David and Silvia Watson have been married for over 40 years. They raised 3 beautiful daughters, have 5 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren.
Reverend Watson shares 28 principles that he has learned and practiced. These principles have brought an abundant life to his marriage. These are spiritual truths that will truly liberate your marriage. These principles teach you how to love and respect each other. Having a happy marriage is only a dream for many couples, however, the dream can come true if you have the right information and a heart that is willing to do it.
This is also a wonderful book for those couples who are considering marriage. Understanding these principles can give you a great advantage to having a happy and successful marriage.
75 pages, approx. 300 words per page.