Healing Forever Settled by Reverend David Watson (FOR KINDLE)
Healing! Forever Settled is a syllabus on healing that will prove without a shadow of a doubt that it is God's will to heal. Pastor David proves, through the scriptures, that healing belongs to every believer in Jesus Christ. He teaches the principles of faith and exposes the spiritual power behind all sickness. Jesus broke His body for every believer so that they could be healed of any and all sickness & disease. Pastor David enlightens the believer how they can walk in this liberty and stay in health. Jesus said that healing was the "Children's Bread." He also said that HE was the "Bread of Life" and anyone who eats the bread of His body will live. The truths of your redemption in Christ will free you from all sickness, disease, and pain.
112 pages, approx. 400 words per page